Adult Swim’s Dana Snyder and FRED’s Ken Plume set out to have a literate conversation between two pals, but inevitably devolve into a verbal, and funny, free-for-all full of bickering, infighting, and the special kind of male bonding that comes from conflict expressed through the podcast medium. This, dear friends, is the online experience!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
From Ken's Twitter...
Here is a handful of choice Tweets from Ken's Twitter account. If you aren't on Twitter, you should really check it out, even if it's just to see what Ken is up to every day! He's hysterical!
So "Looper" is about Big Bird traveling back in time to take out Mr. Hooper, right?
Ken also Tweeted after watching a 1973 James Bond adventure:
Watched Live And Let Die. Had forgotten how casually, almost suavely racist it is.
Still shocked by how racist Live & Let Die is. Then remembered the BBC was still airing The Black & White Minstrel Show in 1973.
Ken also tweeted about the Twitter hoax that Paul Ryan "unfollowed" Mitt Romney:
Not only has @RepPaulRyan Unfollowed @MittRomney, he also returned his Justin Bieber CDs and varsity jacket.
You know, I bet @RepPaulRyan Unfollowed @MittRomney because all Mitt ever tweets now is what he's having for lunch & pictures of his wives.
Plus, what's a twitter feed without a pic of a Tardis?:
Follow Ken at http://twitter.com/KenPlume
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