Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mystery solved

You may remember this email that was posted on the blog:
Hey, Guy! I'm in need of your assistance. For no real reason other than I've had a single Snydecast exchange running through my head for several weeks and I've listened high and low through every episode that comes to mind, but so far I've come across nothing. It's become an earworm of sorts at this point, and I'm just trying to find it in order to save what little sanity I have left. I want to say it's from an older episode, but I may be wrong. Basically, it's part of a discussion where Dana's fondness for fries is brought up (like THAT really narrows it down) and then Plumey goes into a little bit (in character as Snydely) that has Dana going from store to store in a mall asking everybody he sees if they have any fries. It's just a short, funny little moment and for the life of me, I can't find it. Help me, Wienerbreath! HELP ME!!! Hugs and kisses, -AC
Yesterday I got TWO emails with the answer. One was from a reader of this blog named Patrick, the other was from A.C. (who sent in the question). These are the words Patrick wrote:
The Snydecast that AC was looking for where Dana was discussing his fondness of fries was Snydecast #132: iSnyde, and the exchange between Ken and Dana occurs around 41 minutes in.
These are the words AC wrote:
SUCCESS! Came across this by chance, actually, while listening to Snydecast episode #132: "iSnyde." The "got any fries?" thing shows up at about the 40-minute mark, at the tail end of an epic 20+ minute fast food rant by the guys. And it was indeed spurred by a discussion about the aforementioned visit to Hot Dog on a Stick. So there it is. Mystery solved, for what it's worth. (Now that I've heard it again, I realize that this whole thing was *almost* worth worrying about.)
Many thanks for the emails! Now everyone, go listen to KEN P.D. SNYDECAST #132: iSnyde.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

a closer look: Condorman

Back in 2009 on KEN P.D. SNYDECAST #98: Timothy’s Circus of Crime the boys talked Condorman!

Dana praised the film and loved the combination of Disney and Oliver Reed.

Oliver Reed was a legendary English actor who was also known for his excessive drinking.

Here is a short clip of one of his drunken TV appearances:

Oliver Reed appeared in over 100 productions, the last being the Russel Crowe film Gladiator.

Oliver Reed also co starred in Condorman. Condorman is a silly spy film made by the Disney company in 1981. It's lots of fun to watch and features some goofy special effects and some neat animation.

The DVD is available through the Disney Movie Club.

If you join, maybe you can get them to sell you the other DVD Ken mentioned during episode #98: Disneyland's Saucy Secrets.
Condorman is on YouTube:

Friday, September 23, 2011

Would you like fries with your Snyde?

Friends, we have ANOTHER Snydecast moment that we need to track down. Take a look at the email I received:

Hey, Guy!

I'm in need of your assistance. For no real reason other than I've had a single Snydecast exchange running through my head for several weeks and I've listened high and low through every episode that comes to mind, but so far I've come across nothing. It's become an earworm of sorts at this point, and I'm just trying to find it in order to save what little sanity I have left. I want to say it's from an older episode, but I may be wrong. Basically, it's part of a discussion where Dana's fondness for fries is brought up (like THAT really narrows it down) and then Plumey goes into a little bit (in character as Snydely) that has Dana going from store to store in a mall asking everybody he sees if they have any fries. It's just a short, funny little moment and for the life of me, I can't find it. 

Help me, Wienerbreath! HELP ME!!!

Hugs and kisses,

Do you  remember when this happened? I can't place it. I think it may be during the discussion of the mall trip that involved a toolbox and Hot Dog on Stick.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

O Snydecast, Where Art Thou?

I get a lot of email and Twitter questions about the Snydecast... actually it's pretty much one question:


My response is always "I don't know, but of course it will return."
But lately, I am not so sure.

Why has the show been gone this long?

The last episode was in April! I remember listening to it as I watched the Royal Wedding on TV.

Remember that?

By now those two kids have kids of their own.

Or they divorced or something. It was a long time ago.

Keep this in mind, the last episode before that was in FEBRUARY! They have only made 6 episodes this year! They had 26 by this date 2010... and don't forget last year they took a summer break.

To my knowledge the last time Dana or Ken said ANYTHING about the show in public was when in July when Dana told us a new episode would be out in August:


What if they never return? What happens to us all? Where do we go? How will we live? Am I too dramatic?


At least we can take solace in the fact that Ken's Twitter bio still contains this:


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Muppet Costumes

On Ken PD Snydecast #118: It’s A Gas the boys spend a lot of time on the internet.

They take a look at, and they go to to look at Muppet costumes.

I put together a video so you can see the costumes as they speak of them:

Muppet costumes aside, is a great place to shop for cool T-shirts, check 'em out!

Also, if you missed the post with the People of Walmart videos, you can find it here.

Stuff Ken posted on Twitter

Monday, September 19, 2011

Video: King Kong: 360 3-D

On the 2009 episode KEN P.D. SNYDECAST #96: Banana Breath the boys talk about the old King Kong ride at Universal Studios:

That ride has been replaced (after a massive fire) by a new 3D version. Dana and Ken were not excited about the new ride. The new ride opened last year.

The new ride has giant screens on each side of the tram to simulate a real appearance by King Kong:

Here is a great video of the newer 3D King Kong:

Thursday, September 15, 2011

VIDEO: Favorite Toys

KEN P.D. SNYDECAST #75: The Christmas Horn features a discussion of Ken and Dana's favorite Christmas presents, which becomes a discussion of favorite toys in general.

Here is a video I put together with audio from that episode and images of the toys they were talking about:

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Bit of a Chat with Ken Plume & DC Pierson 4

NEW bit of a chat!
Here is the info from

I’m Ken Plume, and soon you’ll be listening to “A Bit Of A Chat” with me, Ken Plume.

In this episode, I have yet another chat with writer and actor DC Pierson about emotional scars, chin beards, writer’s tables, megaphones, deer, and the FYIndex.

Be sure to visit his official site at

Hope you enjoy…

Twitter: Photos from DragonCon

Ken RT-ed this yesterday:

The link takes you to a Flickr page with lots of great pics from the panel (and before and after the panel) with lots of great pics of Mr. Plume.

Take a look by clicking here.

Monday, September 12, 2011

James Gandolfini's old voice

Ken PD Snydecast #118: It’s A Gas features a bit of talk of James Gandolfini in Where the Wild Things Are.

Ken mentions that Gandolfini still sounds like Tony Soprano and that he didn't always sound like that.

It's very true.

Here is a clip from Gandolfini's film debut:

Yeah, he sounded different.

Here is a video that someone posted on YouTube showcasing Tony Soprano's voice in Where the Wild Things Are:

Saturday, September 10, 2011

This American Wife #37

Dana appears on the new episode of "This American Wife". His reading is, as you would expect, hysterical.
Click here to listen to the podcast.

It's good stuff, so check out the whole thing. If you need a quick sample of Snydely jump to 30 minutes in.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

VIDEO: Popovich

Yesterday we looked at photos Jim from MOVIEBRAINROT.COM posted. Among the photos was this bit of info:
We got to talking to him about Vegas, and Dana, being the seeker of odd entertainment told us tales of a Cat wrangler in Vegas that goes by the name of POPOVICH. He said you must see his car that he drives on stage with cats strapped to it. This is a drawing he made of that act.

Here are some wacky videos of Popovich.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Screamfest 2008

Jim @ was nice enough to share some funny photos from the Screamfest convention in 2008.
Here they are with text from MOVIEBRAINROT.COM:
What happened when Dana Snyder (a.k.a Master Shake on “Aqua Teen Hunger Force”) landed at Screamfest? In honor of the upcoming convention in October, we fondly recall our collection of photos detailing how Dana Snyder was suppose to show his new short “Terror Phone,” but had to cancel last minute.

However, it was the birth of his “What is on Dana’s I-pod” panel.
Here is my photo with Dana cheering his work and self-portrait.
We got to talking to him about Vegas, and Dana, being the seeker of odd entertainment told us tales of a Cat wrangler in Vegas that goes by the name of POPOVICH. He said you must see his car that he drives on stage with cats strapped to it. This is a drawing he made of that act.

Make sure and check out MOVIEBRAINROT.COM, follow Jim on Twitter and check out The Adventure Club Podcast he co-hosts with some other dude.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

VIDEO: Sylvester McCoy Reads The Stonehenge Pandorica Speech at DragonCon

Here is the first bit of video of Ken at DragonCon 2011 to show up on YouTube.

It's a real treat for Dr. Who fans!

 Did you attend DragonCon? Post your thoughts in the comments!

Monday, September 5, 2011

VIDEO: Dana Snyder in Whaler

Remember at the close of 2010 when Dana was appearing onstage at the Sacred Fools theater in the "serial play" Whaler?

Luckily someone was there to record portions of his performance. Feast your eyeballs on it:

Photos courtesy C.M.'s photostream on Flickr.
For all the Snydecast blog posts about Whaler click here.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Ken's DragonCon Schedule for Sunday

Rifftrax Is Five Years Old
Time: Sun 10:00 am Location: Centennial I - Hyatt (Length: 1) Description: Bill Corbett of & MST3K chats about the site as it turns 5yo. Highlights reel, Q&A, a quiz for prizes, laughs, & tears.

FRED Presents Yet Another Panel About Doctor Who
Time: Sun 01:00 pm Location: International North - Hyatt (Length: 1) Description: Ken Plume & special guests rant/rave/giggle/titter about Doctor Who as only enthusiastic/opinionated/reasonably well-informed geeks can.

Venture Brothers!
Time: Sun 04:00 pm Location: Atrium Ballroom - Marriott (Length: 1) Description: Join cast members of the Venture Brothers to hear about inspirations, upcoming news, and more!

Time: Sun 08:30 pm Location: Regency VI - VII - Hyatt (Length: 4) Description: Join teams of our celebrity guests as they are led through a series of panel show game by your hosts, Ken Plume and Widgett Walls.

Below, in 5 parts, is the 2009 Gonzo Quiz Show:

Friday, September 2, 2011

Ken's DragonCon Schedule for Saturday

James Urbaniak: How I Became Dr. Venture, Robert Crumb etc.
Time: Sat 02:30 pm Location: Regency V - Hyatt (Length: 1) Description: Actor James Urbaniak discusses his life and career as a “modestly successful character actor” and beloved internet presence.

Time: Sat 08:30 pm Location: Atrium Ballroom - Marriott (Length: 2.5) Description: Join Jonathan Coulton in his Dragon*Con debut on stage with a cavalcade of other musical delights, including Paul and Storm and more! Hosted by Ken Plume and Widgett Walls.


 For Ken's full schedule click here.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ken's DragonCon schedule for Friday

Ken has been tweeting about his trip to Atlanta for DragonCon!
Here is Ken's schedule for Friday:

A Bit Of A Chat with Sylvester McCoy
Time: Fri 11:30 am Location: Centennial II - III - Hyatt (Length: 1)
Description: Ken Plume has an in-depth chat with entertainer and Time Lord Sylvester McCoy about Doctor Who, The Hobbit, and much more…

Geek a Week Podcast Reunion
Time: Fri 01:00 pm Location: Regency VI - VII - Hyatt (Length: 1)
Description: Join artist Len Peralta as he talks with geek superstars that were featured on the Geek A Week Podcast.

FRED Panel-Palooza-Extrava-Thingee-a-Doodle
Time: Fri 04:00 pm Location: Regency V - Hyatt (Length: 1)
Description: Ken Plume (,, Ken P.D. Snydecast), special guests, & an Irishman in a panel of frolicking, bantering & prize-giving.

Down In Deep 13: Dr. Forrester & TV’s Frank
Time: Fri 05:30 pm Location: Regency V - Hyatt (Length: 1)
Description: Join Ken Plume as he brings together the Mads of Mystery Science Theater’s Deep 13, Trace Beaulieu & Frank Conniff, for a descent down memory cave.

Celebrity Quiz-o-Tron 2000
Time: Fri 08:30 pm Location: Crystal Ballroom - Hilton (Length: 1)
Description: Rebecca Watson hosts a panel quiz show. With Bill Corbett, Drew Curtis, Ken Plume, James Urbaniak.

 For Ken's full schedule click here.