Here is the original description:
Dana & Ken assemble a virtual (yet real) cornucopia of [adult swim] luminaries to judge the seemingly never, yet mercifully ending logo contest, with a guest list that includes The Venture Bros.’ Jackson Pubick and Doc Hammer, Aqua Teen’s Ned Hastings, Home Movies and Lucy, Daughter of the Devil’s Loren Bouchard, writer extraordinaire Brian Studler, and the beautiful Jennifer Stephens, direct from [as] headquarters. It’s a real mess, but fun. Really. Trust us. You’ll find a cheat sheet of all the logo entries below.
We are still waiting for the cheat sheet...
Here is a timeline of quotes from the episode:
02:35 Give me a sharpie and 15 minutes and I'll give you guys a logo.
03:05 ...the blue one isn't the worst, the green one is...

26:58 You can't fake this kind of awfulness.
28:16 I'm getting this as a tattoo. The green one. The little logo that could.
34:00 As god as my witness this is the greatest logo ever!
37:27 I will fight anybody who says this isn't the greatest logo in the history of logos.

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