Adult Swim’s Dana Snyder and FRED’s Ken Plume set out to have a literate conversation between two pals, but inevitably devolve into a verbal, and funny, free-for-all full of bickering, infighting, and the special kind of male bonding that comes from conflict expressed through the podcast medium. This, dear friends, is the online experience!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Dana talked about food again...
Per Plumey's request (So yell at him not me, Dana :P ):
Also, did NOT hate this episode as Mr. Snyder would like to think. More on that as it develops.... like tomorrow night on someone's ustream.
Note to self... consider bringing Chocodiles and Fruit Pies to Dragon*Con
What an original and fun picture you put up. I like how there's no fun pics of food. Except the ones I'll be putting up in the next post. Use you Creativity JJ! C'Mon, I know you've got some in there right1
John stop whining to Dana about he and Ken talking about food all the time! Just cause no one listens to your award winning podcast doesn't mean you need to be spiteful. Oh wait! You don't have an award winning podcast? That's right! I said it!
Let me clarify by saying you don't know the entire story until you listen to the side coming from the "non-award winning podcast... probably because we're busy giving out awards to make other podcasts award winning." Wrap your brain around that conundrum, Cap'm. ;)
At least your not a Bishop... or shaking hands with one. x_x
Alls i'm saying is, there's two sides to every coin... or... go listen to Ep 67 of The Swimcast to hear a crazy rant about eating a jar Welsh's Grape Jelly in one of those small Tom and Jerry glass jars. Oh yes, it's that insane.
What list of foods were they looking at?
What an original and fun picture you put up. I like how there's no fun pics of food. Except the ones I'll be putting up in the next post. Use you Creativity JJ! C'Mon, I know you've got some in there right1
Hey... Hey... that was the only picture of filet mignon that didn't look like it was digested and shat out. :P
I was almost expecting a before/after picture
John stop whining to Dana about he and Ken talking about food all the time! Just cause no one listens to your award winning podcast doesn't mean you need to be spiteful. Oh wait! You don't have an award winning podcast? That's right! I said it!
Oh noes... sure told me, didn't ya?
Let me clarify by saying you don't know the entire story until you listen to the side coming from the "non-award winning podcast... probably because we're busy giving out awards to make other podcasts award winning." Wrap your brain around that conundrum, Cap'm. ;)
oh John...John John John. I am but a pawn...think about that one...
At least your not a Bishop... or shaking hands with one. x_x
Alls i'm saying is, there's two sides to every coin... or... go listen to Ep 67 of The Swimcast to hear a crazy rant about eating a jar Welsh's Grape Jelly in one of those small Tom and Jerry glass jars. Oh yes, it's that insane.
the seriousness of my opening statement should have been taken with a rather large grain of salt...sarcasm doesn't translate well to text...
...and i shall listen to the swimcast and get back to you...
I know. It's just most of the time it's hard to emote with text. :P
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