Adult Swim’s Dana Snyder and FRED’s Ken Plume set out to have a literate conversation between two pals, but inevitably devolve into a verbal, and funny, free-for-all full of bickering, infighting, and the special kind of male bonding that comes from conflict expressed through the podcast medium. This, dear friends, is the online experience!
A Netgear router, eh?
Jesus... makes me feel a hell of a lot better about my desk
Lulz @ Jaxob.... also, Mike just changed it from Netgear to Netgoat. XD
Whose desk is this? Ken or Dana's?
I imagine it's Dana's considering he has a copy of Rollercoaster Tycoon on it.
Roller Coaster Tycoon? Did the Tiki not give it away right off the top?
Jiggaboo Christmas
A red phone? Is it the hot line to Batman?
Diet coke, Disney Park Pass, it's Dana. Time Capsule or Airport Express Extreme AppleTV whatever.
Like the wikipedia shirt, you might have to enlarge the picture in another tab or window to see the clues.
Is that The Wicker Man on the desk??
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