Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Ken's RedNoseNet Chat with Dana Snyder

At 12pm EST on Friday, March 1st, Ken started a 25 hour Bit of a Chat marathon. Almost 24 hours later Dana appeared.

At around 11:35 Ken dialed out to Dana... and got his answering machine.

Ken berated Dana's machine for a few minutes before Dana connected and said his phone had never rung.

They then went into a conversation about the lack of donations. So:

Go! Donate!

Anway, then then talked about Ken's state of exhaustion, pig anuses doubling as calimari, some octopus that Dana ate and Dana's trip to NYC.

All of the podcasts from that day are now available:
Here is the direct link to Dana's episode:
A Bit of a Chat with Dana Snyder

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