Wednesday, February 4, 2009

SongSmith Contest!

Alright Gang hot off Snydecast 81 here's the much anticipated vocal tracks for all you to put together with SongSmith, the program that makes me want for a pc.  See how you can stink up these terribly stinky vocals, and possibly be the producer for the new Ken P D Snydecast Mail song!  Use your limitless imagination, and a cheapy songsmith synth composed music maker to blow our minds!  They'll all be played on upcoming snydecasts, so get to it already!

and here's the second song!


  1. Hey guys -- not sure where to send the SongSmiths so I put them here: ... let me know if you'd rather get the file in email (along with an address). You know, the xmas song isn't so bad through SongSmith ...

  2. Likewise, I was about to fire up the trial version of songsmith... where should we send our final product? I can also host mine online, if that is the easiest way...

  3. Well, I emailed mine to and heard back from dana, so i'm guessing that worked.

  4. It doesn't quite have the random robot just add waller magic, but Dana might want to check out PGs Band in a Box, the thing that is most like Songsmith, that is available on the Mac. It may even have a hidden put chords to this melody feature according to the demo videos I saw lately, but it isn't assuming you are totally retarded as Songsmith is doing, so it might not screw with you as badly.
