Saturday, December 20, 2008

This Is Where The Fish Lives

So I was just listening to one of the old Snydecasts and I thought of a neat idea: Dana was commenting on how listeners of the show are pretty much global... so how about we map it out?

Should be an interesting project. I know there are a few people like Astan and the Cabin Fever dudes who are outside of the 'States. Let's see who else is where.



  1. Oh goodie, my tag stuck (MidTenn). I thought it would not because it asked for email and other info I thought totally unnecessary so I bolted.

  2. You want I should delete it so you can do it over?

  3. No John. I don't need my email address attached to some map plug in. I'm fine. I was genuinely happy. That was a non sarcastic "Goodie!"

    You see, thats what 'totally unnecessary so I bolted" means. Quickstop and Eyeofthesnyder already have had my email address within their grasp in mutual correspondence, a map application doesn't need it. And its a good thing that it worked anyway. It is not a fake data point though, that was just a message that a real follower is at that general locale.

  4. Sorry. I was under the impression that MidTenn was not where you wanted the pin.

  5. Wow.

    Touch of Satan reference FTW.

    Well played, sir.

    -Mike From Woodstock

  6. Can't we put this on the bottom, or the side? It's annoying to always have it at the top, and not get the suprise of a neat new post!

  7. Can't you do that? All I have is posting access. :P

  8. Better yet... between you and Plumey, whoever put the donate button up, just throw this code (replacing the {}'s with <>'s) somewhere underneath it:

    {a href=""}{img src=""}{/a}

  9. The donate button is all plumey-

  10. Then how the hell did you get it to stay up on there forever?

  11. Well then yell a Plumey. He could've been fixing this instead of putting random puppets on his head. ;)

    I changed the date on my post to December 2012.

  12. Ok good, I see it's done. Now I can banish this post into the black hole... of 2008.

  13. Wow, im the only one from Western PA so far on that man, hmmm would of thought there would be more
